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Showing posts from 2008

ThickBox, IE6 and a little secure and nonsecure item problem

So it’s been a fun packed morning looking at an issue within ie6 that was causing the “This page contains both secure and nonsecure items” prompt to be displayed then viewing a page over HTTPS. The problem itself only reared its ugly head when the page tried to open a UI dialog to the user using the “ThickBox” add-on to jquery. So after a bit of digging around I found out that IE6 shows this message because “ThickBox” is adding an iframe to the page without the src attribute set. In order to fix the issue then all you need to do is add a dummy src attribute to the iframe when it is appended to the page by “ThickBox”. See the example below.  The bit of code you need to update can be found on line 38 within the thickbox.js file. Original Code   $("body").append("<iframe id='TB_HideSelect'></iframe><div id='TB_overlay'></div><div id='TB_window'></div>"); Updated Code $("...

Sharepoint feature activation and strange timeouts....

  So I have been meaning to write a blog entry for some time now and at last I have finally manage to drag together a few coherent sentences and get the ball rolling. So what topic have I picked to start my blogging experience with at Conchango? Well Sharepoint of course! Anyway down to business and the reason for the post is that the other day I had to deal with an issue surrounding a timeout when activating a feature via the "ManageFeatures.aspx" page within the Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) user interface. The feature itself was somewhat of a beast and did a lot of work within the "FeatureActivated" method behind the screens setting up lists, creating content etc which meant it was going to take a long time to complete.  So a timeout issue? Well as it turns out yes. The problem is that activating a feature via the "ManageFeatures.aspx" page means that the request to activate the feature is handled by and as such i...