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Showing posts from May, 2010

Trouble using the AdvancedFilterSet with the “whenCreated” active directory property

Over the last couple of days on my current project I have been working with the new account management API found in .NET 3.5 for communicating with active directory. This API is a massive improvement over the features provided by the older directory services and really does make creating, deleting, updating and finding users a lot simpler (for more information checkout ). As part of the work I needed to provide the ability to find users based on the date they were created so following the approach on MSDN (see ) I extended the “AdvancedFilters” class and added my own method for setting a filter for a query using the active directory property “whenCreated”. I should say this property stores the date and time a user is created with AD. Now the code shown below is what I first came up with and it looks like it will do the job right? 1: public class SearchFilter...