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Showing posts from 2011

Shouldn’t validating a checkbox be easier than this?

  Well it's been a while since I have done a post but with changing jobs recently and life in general getting in the way I just couldn’t seem to find the time. However, now I have a spare five minutes I thought I would fire off a post :) So what's the post about? Validating a checkbox web control. Now I know your reading this thinking that's easy all you need is a custom validator and a event handler in your code behind and job done? Well in most cases yes I would agree with you. However, my latest project (a legacy application) uses code generation to create the vast majority of the ASP.NET pages and user controls. Therefore it’s difficult for me to include anything other than the standard set of ASP.NET validators or something which inherits off the “ BaseValidator ” and get it working correctly in the XSLT templates generating the code. Because of this I decided to create my own validator for the checkbox web control. So how do we get started? Well first off you ne...