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Showing posts from March, 2023

Why poor tests are worse than no tests

It's been awhile since I wrote my last blog post so I thought I would resume with a subject close to my heart...unit testing. Unit testing is tricky and lots of people don't focus enough on the key pillars that make up a good test: Trustworthy - Can the test be run multiple times and work in the same way each time? A test which works sometimes and fails randomly when a build happens during continuous integration(CI) is just going to be ignored and has no benefit to the team. Worse still, a bad test can give you a false impression that everything is fine when really it's not.   Readable - Can you look at the name of the test and work out what it's meant to do? For example, a test named "It_works_and_doesnt_fail" isn't as good as "It_will_add_a_valid_order_without_errors". Maintainable - Is your test simple to setup and refactor when code changes are made in the rest of the system? The...