Recently I needed to encrypt data on a server and allow a limited number of service accounts the ability to decrypt that data so it was as safe as possible. The approach I took to achieve this was by using a X509 certificate and it's ability to allow you to encrypt information via it's public key and decrypt that information through the private key. The key parts of this approach are: - Create a certificate - Ensure the KeySpec of the certificate is set up correctly to allow for encryption e.g. "KeyExchange" or "None" if you are doing this via PowerShell - Set the security on the private keys so only specific user accounts can access it and decrypt information encrypted via the public key. Step 1 - Create a certificate to use The easiest way to get a quick example going is via PowerShell to create a dummy root certificate and the one we will use for encrypting and decrypting. $rootCert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Dns...
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